Produk Kami

Kami mengkhususkan diri dalam menjual dan mengekspor pasir berkualitas tinggi dari Lumajang, Jawa Timur

gray and black stones on the ground
gray and black stones on the ground

Sourced from Mount Semeru, Lumajang, Indonesia.

a group of people walking on a sandy beach
a group of people walking on a sandy beach
brown vehicle on sand at daytime
brown vehicle on sand at daytime
a small turtle crawling in the sand at the beach
a small turtle crawling in the sand at the beach
Quality Assurance

Ensuring top-notch quality for all our sand products.

Galeri Kami

Jelajahi produk pasir kami yang bersumber dari Gunung Semeru, Lumajang, Indonesia.

proses pengerukan pasir
proses pengerukan pasir
proses pengerukan pasir
proses pengerukan pasir
stock pile pasir
stock pile pasir
armada eskavator
armada eskavator